Actor Hugh Quarshie reads Between the Stones

Actor Hugh Quarshie worked with us in 2017 as part of the Noh time like the present… tribute to celebrate the lifetime achievement of professional noh actor, Akira Matsui in his 70th year - performing alongside Matsui sensei in Samuel Beckett’s Rockaby.

Hugh discusses ‘my need to noh’ in an article he wrote at around the same time.

Hugh read Between the Stones to support those remembering tragic loss whenever and wherever it takes place - for individuals, communities or, indeed, across the world. Our common humanity gives us a shared empathy in such circumstances and lies at the heart of Between the Stones.

If you know someone who has suffered from a tragic loss we hope this this beautiful reading will help to lift their spirits.

Hugh Quarshie with Akira Matsui in Rockaby by Samuel Beckett during the dress rehearsal for the performance at the LSO St Luke’s, February 2017. Photography by Clive Barda

Hugh Quarshie with Akira Matsui in Rockaby by Samuel Beckett during the dress rehearsal for the performance at the LSO St Luke’s, February 2017. Photography by Clive Barda